
Qantev raises $1.7m in Seed investment round with Elaia Partners

Qantev team
November 5, 2020
4 min
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November 5th, 2020 Paris - QantEv, the technology company developing an enterpriseplatform for health insurer operations, announces a $1.7m Seed Round investment, led by ElaiaPartners joined by British deep tech talent investor Entrepreneur First, and prestigious angelssuch as Gwénaël Moy, former CEO of AXA Japan, and Nadav Rosenberg, Venture Partner atEntrepreneur First.

A cutting-edge solution for a $2Tr market

The investment will accelerate QantEv’s ability to deploy its solution with more clients across theworld, while building its cutting-edge network optimization algorithms and reinforcing its dataengineering capabilities. Every year, hundreds of millions of people rely on their insurance forhighly expensive healthcare needs, the worldwide financial impact has exceeded $2 trillion andis continuously growing. QantEv’s proprietary algorithms use optimal transport theory to helpinsurers build high performing healthcare networks and better understand the underlyingdynamics of their market with a high level of explainability. QantEv trains predictive models onmillions of claims to build a holistic view of patients and providers behaviors, enhancing healthinsurers’ cost containment strategies and network quality of care improvements, while improvingoperational excellence and customer experience.

Bringing AI & optimization breakthroughs to real-world problems

Tarik Dadi, CEO and co-founder of QantEv, said: “Our mission at QantEv is to bring AI &optimization breakthroughs to real-world problems and by doing so, help the industry in its data& digital transformation. We’re achieving that every day, as our technology enables healthinsurers to deliver the best quality of care while reducing the cost of care. This new investmentfrom Elaia Partners, who have a standout track record in investing in deep tech enterprisesoftware companies, shows informed investors believe in our unprecedented technology andour ability to create value for new clients and new areas to operate in.

”QantEv’s healthcare network optimization platform is used today by global leaders – includingtwo of the largest insurers in the world – to analyze their historical claims data and deliver highlycritical insights to their operations teams. QantEv helps them better manage their network ofhealth care providers by implementing impactful cost containment strategies and ensuring ahigh level of quality of care and geographical coverage.

Tarik Dadi and Hadrien De March founded QantEv in 2019, and its technology has alreadyreceived great recognition from industry leaders.

Arnaud Terville joins as Head of Sales

They are joined by Arnaud Terville as their first Head of Sales to help them sustain their growthby building the sales team and continue expanding their client portfolio. Terville has 25 years ofenterprise sales experience in companies like Apple and Forrester. His last position as GlobalAccount Manager at Solera, one of the largest insurance claims automation software providersin the world, allowed him to gain a tremendous amount of insight about the insurance industryand its challenges managing high volumes of claims while bringing insight to their teams.

Anne-Sophie Carrese, Partner at Elaia Partners says: “We are convinced that the QantEv teamhad the right intuition - health insurance data becoming accessible - at the right time - during aprevious job in a large insurer. The major insurers have confirmed to us that the QantEv solutionhas become a must have for their operations. With Gwenael Moy as board member and ArnaudTerville as head of sales, the commercial development is very promising.”

About Qantev:

QantEv helps health insurers negotiate and select the best healthcare provider network for theirmembers. Its enterprise software solution has received great attention from leading insurersacross the world to transform their health insurance operations. QantEv is backed by $1.7m inventure capital and is based in Paris, France.

For more information, visit

About Elaia Partners:

Elaia is a European top-tier VC firm with a strong tech DNA. We back tech disruptors with globalambition from early stage to growth development. For the past 18 years, our commitment hasbeen to deliver high performance with values.We are proud to have been an active partner in over 70 startups including success stories suchas Criteo (Nasdaq), Orchestra Networks (acquired by Tibco), Sigfox, Teads (acquired by Altice),Mirakl (valued $1.5B in Series D) and Shift Technology.

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